
Reading "Winter cold", a poem by William Shakespeare.

Winter Song, by William Shakespeare William Shakespeare wrote numerous poems throughout his life. Today, we are going to read one of them, titled A Merry Note , but better known as Winter Song .  ICT TOOLS : The resources for this activity are YouTube, and an interactive activity created by me with Wordwall . ACTIVITY : Read the poem. A Merry Note (When icicles hang by the wall) Verse by Williams Shakespeare, From the Play “ Love’s Labour’s Lost “ When icicles hang by the wall, And Dick the shepherd blows his nail, And Tom bears logs into the hall, And milk comes frozen home in pail, When blood is nipp’d, and ways be foul, Then nightly sings the staring owl: Tu-whit, Tu-who’- A merry note, While greasy Joan doth keel the pot. When all aloud the wind doth blow, And coughing drowns the parson’s saw, And birds sit brooding in the snow, And Marian’s nose looks red and raw, When roasted crabs hiss in the bowl, Then nightly sings the staring owl: Tu-whit, To-who’- A merry...

Speaking about Romeo and Juliet´s characters

This week, we are going to talk about the characters that play Romeo and Juliet , while we practice the vocabulary and the expressions that we studied last month on how to describe a person. To make it more fun, we will use the game Open A Fortune Bo x.  ICT TOOLS : For this activity, I have used Wordwall app to create the Fortune Box . Open A Fortune Box ACTIVITY :  The activity is very easy. Inside each box, there is a diferent character of Romeo and Juliet . One of you will touch a Fortune Box to find out who is the character you are going to talk about. After that, you will describe the character out loud for one minute. You can use only what you see (the colour of clothes, hair, eyes, and so on) or you can include psychological or behavioral features that you know after watching the video in the first post. If you want to practise before class, here are the characters, but don´t forget that  boxes will be moved after each player.

Writing about Shakespeare

In the last post, we met William Shakespeare and we knew one of his theatre plays, Romeo and Juliet . But this writer and poet wrote many more interesting plays. In this activity, we are going to know more about Shakespeare and his work.  ICTs TOOLS : This time, we will use different websites to search the information and the Canvas application to create an infographic. The file will be sent by email . ACTIVITY : Make pairs with one classmate and search for information using the computers. You can link these webs: Pay attention to Shakespeare´s biography and work. Choose three of his plays and look for information about its summary and its characters. Now, you are going to create a presentation with Canvas using this  template . Don´t forget to make a copy of the template before starting to write in it. When you finish, write your names in the tittle and download it like a PDF. After that, send me the PDF in a mail. Come on! Creative is coming!!   BIBLIOGRAPHY :...

Listening: Listen and enjoy the most famous love story in the world

Have you ever heard anything about Shakespeare? Do you know Verona, the most romantic town in Italy? Have you ever seen the play Romeo and Juliet ?  Don´t you worry. Today, you are going to learn a lot about the most famous love story in the world. ICTs TOOLS : In this activity, we will watch a video from the British Council Web and we make a self-assesment Questionnaire , created by me with Google Forms. William Shakespeare is one of the most famous writer in the world. He was from UK and he lived during the XVI-XVIIth siecles.  He wrote a lot of theatre plays, like for example  Romeo and Juliet . Does it ring a bell?  William Shakespeare´s portrait. Creative Commons License ACTIVITY :  Watch the video story about these two lovers.  British Council (s.f.) Now, answer the self-assessment questionnaire and check how many questions you get right. Start your brain and don´t forget to enjoy yourself! BIBLIOGRAPHY : British Council (s.f.). British Council, Le...