Writing about Shakespeare

In the last post, we met William Shakespeare and we knew one of his theatre plays, Romeo and Juliet. But this writer and poet wrote many more interesting plays. In this activity, we are going to know more about Shakespeare and his work. 

ICTs TOOLS: This time, we will use different websites to search the information and the Canvas application to create an infographic. The file will be sent by email.

ACTIVITY: Make pairs with one classmate and search for information using the computers. You can link these webs:

Pay attention to Shakespeare´s biography and work. Choose three of his plays and look for information about its summary and its characters.

Now, you are going to create a presentation with Canvas using this template. Don´t forget to make a copy of the template before starting to write in it. When you finish, write your names in the tittle and download it like a PDF. After that, send me the PDF in a mail.

Come on! Creative is coming!! 


British Council (s.f.). British Council, Learn English Kids. Recuperado el 25 de noviembre de 2020 de https://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/sites/kids/files/attachment/short-stories-shakespeare-william-shakespeare-transcript.pdf

Liam Taft (2019). Twinkl. Recuperado el 28 de noviembre de https://www.twinkl.es/blog/william-shakespeare-facts-for-kids

Lindsay Small (2020). Activity Village. Recuperado el 18 de noviembre de 2020 de https://www.activityvillage.co.uk/william-shakespeare
